Sunday, March 14, 2010

HG00 Reborns Gundam WIP Final: It's finally finished!!!

Through darkest days and brightest nights,
Through thundering wind and billowing waves,
The great gunpla soul refuses to die,
The lone plamodeller persevered!
Behold the light that shines from the heavens itself, 
Behold, the light of rebirth!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

HG00 Reborns Gundam WIP Part 3

Reborns Wings Alternate FORM!!

During another build session, I've managed to install the backpack, aka the body of Reborns Cannon, I'm pleasantly surprised the bulk increased quite a bit.

HG00 Reborns Gundam WIP Part 2

So it's been a while since my last (real) update, hasn't it? I suppose it has, but fear not dear readers, for this time, I bring you some legitimate content! 

I've been working on this kit on and off and have finally got the upper body finished! It's not that big of a step forward, but it's a step forward nonetheless. So without further ado, let's spam some pictures first!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Reborns Gundam's Secret Mode......

Reborns Wings!!!

Don't tell me I'm the only one who thought of this when I saw the shield and the gun. As for the actual WIP, it's coming, so please bear with me. More pictures after the break.